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We're live on Kickstarter!

You heard the lady: our Kickstarter campaign for a printed collection of Issues #1-3 of Andraste is live!

Check it out here:

Our campaign goal is $2,000; if we meet it, everyone who pledged at the Carte level or above will get a physical, printed copy of Volume 1. We also have the Aether level for those of you who enjoy reading things on your computers, and don't want physical possessions to lug around.

Plus, there are early bird pledge levels that will get you a small discount and primo placement on our thank you page -- there are only 10 available for digital and print books, and they disappear tomorrow!

If we beat our goal, I'll announce some fun stretch goals and rewards, including more art commissions, stickers, PDFs of the script, and comics from other indie creators. Follow us on Instagram so you don't miss any of our giveaways!

We're running this campaign until November 1st, so if you have friends who would like to read a comic book with lots of blood, torcs, druids, pectorals, screaming, legionaries, and Celtic mythology, be a pal and share the link with them!


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